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Fiverr Buys Creativelive


Fiverr Buys Creativelive

Creativelive is an online learning platform founded in 2009 by Chase Jarvis and Craig Swanson. It was acquired by Fiverr in October 2021. Fiverr is a marketplace specializing in bringing freelancers together with potential customers to create projects across many scopes.


Creativelive has over 2,000 courses and over 10 million followers and students as of 2021. Fiverr has shares on the New York Stock Exchange as of 2019. In addition, their freelancers have serviced over 4 million customers.

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“There’s a creator in all of us.”

Founder and CEO of Fiverr, Micha Kaufman, believes that furthering a freelancer’s career requires refining their craft and learning new skills over time. To that end, Kaufman hopes that having Creativelive as an available resource and tool for Fiverr’s freelancers will be an invaluable asset. As a result, Fiverr will offer Creativelive courses to their freelancer community in addition to their current learning opportunities.


Below, we go into further depth about Creativelive and its history and Fiverr and its offerings. We also discuss the logistics of the Creativelive acquisition. 

person using laptop

About Creativelive

The Creativelive founders believe that “There’s a creator in all of us.” They have had a rich history with many prestigious milestones along the way. Their robust instructor list includes professionals who have won Grammys, Oscars, and Pulitzer Prizes.


In October of 2012, just three years after their beginnings, Creativelive launched their Business Channel with Tim Ferris, Lewis Howes, and Ramit Sethi.


February of 2013 saw the first Photoshop Week, a 6-day conference with 40 classes and famous instructor Lindsay Adler.


In January of 2016, Creativelive hosted a live broadcast with Red Bull from Lake Tahoe. Later that year, they teamed up with Starbucks to shed light on creative professionals on Youtube. Soon after, Creativelive launched their iOS and tvOS applications, further broadening their reach.


Creativelive is a realistic brand that knows failures lead to success. They understand that success only happens overnight to the lucky few. They are here to help everyone else learn, grow, create, and thrive. They pride themselves on being the champion to their fellow creatives.


Creativelive offers courses in business, marketing, graphic design, photography, art, video editing, and more. All potential skills that enhance a Fiverr professional’s value.

woman sitting while using laptop

About Fiverr

Fiverr prides itself on being the largest marketplace for pairing freelancers with business owners and clients.


There are hundreds of freelancers at multiple skill levels and price points, allowing for a large range of market reach. Clients can find freelancers for pretty much anything, from graphic design and writing to hair and virtual fashion stylists.


Fiverr offers 24/7 support and protected payments. Recently, they rolled out a monthly subscription plan for clients who need larger or more consistent work done.


Micha Kaufman believes in a well-rounded freelance lifestyle and seeks to foster all aspects of it on the Fiverr platform, including education.

Fiverr Freelance Offerings

Among the usual freelance skills of video editing, graphic design, marketing, and writing, Fiverr has some unexpected freelance professionals.


Clients can select a personal fashion stylist or even a personal shopper that will ship clothing to the customer’s house. Some personal shoppers will help their clients make fresh outfits from clothing already in the customer’s wardrobe.


There are illustration professionals on Fiverr that will design an entire book cover for clients. They will include illustrations or photography and handwritten or digitally designed typography.


There are even video game coaches on Fiverr that will help clients reach their desired goals in particular games. Amazingly, most of these freelance instructors have over 4.8-star reviews and a surprising amount of students. 


Clients can pay for freelance witches and request specialized spells. Some freelancers do tarot readings and even create love with voodoo dolls. In addition, customers can get their dreams analyzed and learn about feng shui.


In the Programming & Tech section, there are professionals who will create apps for their customers, teach their clients how to code, and even help with simple IT-related queries. In addition, clients can have their files converted by IT professionals and get E-commerce development help.


Young professionals or those looking for a career change can get their resumes written by a Fiverr freelancer. There are even professional Linkedin profile polishers who will make sure their client’s pages are the best they can be.


There are cooking lesson teachers, craft and DIY makers, and music remixers. Any service a person needs can most likely be found on Fiverr. They are constantly adding new sectors.

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The Logistics of the Acquisition

Creativelive, based in Seattle, will continue to work as an individual platform. It will continue to host on its own website, accessible to non-Fiverr members. In addition, Fiverr Learn, Fiverr’s specialized learning sector, will be combined with the growing library on Creativelive.


Currently, Fiverr Learn still has its own website platform. Students pay for individual classes rather than a subscription.


Chase Jarvis will continue his role as CEO. Official terms and the acquisition price were not publicly disclosed.


As previously discussed, Fiverr has a colorful array of options for the services its freelancer community provides. For example, some freelancers offer private courses, like cooking or feng shui, which blend seamlessly with Creativelive’s online course structure. In addition, freelancers on Fiverr can learn about their craft and either turn around and add it to their teachings or apply what they’ve learned to their services.

man smiling while using MacBook

About Us

Amphy is an online learning platform that specializes in live video courses. Our tagline and vision is “A brighter us.” We want to bring people together in ways that expand minds, foster connections, and garner a brighter future for all.


We strive to continue to enrich our ways of thinking, and we hope to inspire as many people as possible through our interactive approach. Our vision was born during the Covid pandemic quarantine. But we hope to continue helping others to learn from home even as physical doors continue to open all around us.

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